

Corrections to recent articles

There is an important correction to the article by OM6AA 'Design of a prime-focus feed with backward radiation' in issue 3/08 here (pdf format).

Technik VII Corrections

The website for the SQ software (p. 358) is now from where the final version 2.4 can be downloaded.

Technik V Corrections and Links

Table 1 on page 52 for the BV6-1wl yagi is incorrect. The correct table appears below.

Element Position (mm) Boom diameter (mm) Element Length (mm)
R 0 30 2966
DE 922 30 2850
D1 1232 30 2734
D2 2411 30 2734
D3 4329 30 2702
D4 5850 30 2670

The table on page 58 for the BVO-2wl (8 El.) yagi is incorrect. The correct table appears below.

Element Position mm Free Space
length mm
Length in mm for
25mm Boom
R 0 1013 1016
DE 327 956 956
D1 534 949 952
D2 1073 934 937
D3 1828 917 920
D4 2687 908 911
D5 3540 903 906
D6 4245 914 917

This info appears on page 98 of issue 4/98 and 1/99 and p 92 of 2/99


The D30 director is missing from the BVO70-11wl 70 cm design table on page 82 :

The last line of the table should be: D30    7540mm    269mm     276mm



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page last updated 25 October 2023..